Descartes once wrote the famous phrase: Cogito ergo sum-- I think, therefore I am; which I believe to be true from many perspectives. It is because we think that we can be aware of and have the ability to mold our existence. It is because of our thoughts, which lead to actions, that we can leave a mark in this world. Those who fail to think are those that are victims of the circumstances, and, unable to realize their own potential, become what others want them to become; losing their identity in the sea of people.
I also believe, however, that thinking is not enough to make a difference, since that only happens when thought find a means of expression. Thus, the raison d'ĂȘtre for this blog is to express my thoughts on my experiences and other situations life wills upon me, and hopefully this way I'll be able to leave a mark, even if it is on the web.
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