Time flies. It is one of those non-renewable resources that we have, and it really sucks when you realize that you have wasted it. But it can be comforting to look back and see that there has been growth and strengthening in the process of moving from point A to point B in the time dimension. This is what happened last weekend.
I had the chance to visit with some old friends that had come to celebrate a friend's wedding. It somehow reminded of home, since we only have family "reunions" when we see each other at funerals, but this one was a happier occasion.
Going on a tangent here, I want to point out that for some inexplicable reason, celebrating someone else's happiness makes me happy. It makes me feel good inside to see people I know get married and enjoy of that happy feeling. They always have this look on their faces that says "I made it!" (Ignoring the fact that it is just the beginning....). At the same time, it also makes a part of me crave to have that look on my face. Experience that feeling of accomplishment and the joy of knowing that I won't be alone forever. I hope it is somehow different from my college graduation day. Yes, I had that feeling of accomplishment, and maybe that look on my face that said "I made it!" but it was quickly followed by the realization that now I had additional obligations. I needed to find a real job, look for real health insurance, pay full price at the dollar theater, etc. I really hope that bliss lasts longer on my wedding day... not that it's happening any time soon anyway....
Now, back on the first topic, I was really happy to see old friends. I realized that they were an important part of my life at some point, and that they still were. I found that I had missed their unique humor, mannerisms, smiles, and delicious creations. I was happy to see that they have grown, and have succeeded in their carreers too. But most of all, I was happy to see they still remembered me, and cared about me.
Every time I have to part ways with special friends I am faced by the desire to have these relationships last longer, or even not change. I am also faced by reality that change is not always bad, and that these relationships can last forever, at least within me, as I will always remember the ways special friends have made me feel, keep the memories of good times, and learn from the bad ones.
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
41 minutes ago
Dan. It was way fun to see you this last weekend! I hope we will get to see eachother again soon, when you come to visit me in Las Vegas!
See you are a softy and you want to be married.
Brit, you crack me up! You kinda convinced me yesterday too...
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