Sometimes it feels like the natural course of things is chaos and decay. I mean, pretty much everything in the world has an expiration date: our bodies, therapeutic drugs, some relationships, yogurt and cheese, and most recently, our jobs. It seems that most of our energy (I would say it is 99% of our time and energy) is used in our efforts to stop that decay and worrying about not being able to do so.
But even when we feel overwhelmed with all the things we do to avoid this decay, there are those little moments, the sunrays after the storm, that make it all worth it. Those are the moments I wish could last forever: when I spend time with loved ones, when I learn something new, when I have helped someone, or when I witness creativity. Even though those little moments overpower all the bad and the ugly, I can't help but wish that they were more abundant. I guess that depends only on me.
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