On Monday I went to see a play with some friends because our friend Ashley was in it. To be honest, at first I wasn't really excited to go. I was thinking about the many other things I had to do, and about how tired I was after a long day at work. However, I am so glad I did. The show was titled "Do You Love Me?" and it was a collection of short plays, with relationships and love as the main theme.
Again, I am glad I went. The playwrights, directors, and the actors all did such a good job. They provided me with that great feeling that comes from witnessing something aesthetically pleasing and tasteful. They really connected with me, and transformed what is commonplace and ordinary into extraordinary. Reltionships became something deep, complex, humorous, rewarding, and fulfilling. They reminded me that people are ends and not means.
They really made my day. They made me think about relationships and about love. I wanted to stay there forever. It is weird, I just wanted to keep watching these people interact with each other. I was mesmerized. I don't know how else to put it....
It is true what they say, that man is not meant to be alone. It is because of this that we have this need to connect with others. Friendships, family, romances, they are all there to help us fill the emptiness, to help us feel complete.
One of the lines in one of the plays was "Love is madness." It is so true. There is nothing like it, but it feels so good. It's the good kind of madness.
:) That's why I love plays, too! And why I'd rather see a play than a movie any day.
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