This morning I slept in. The same as yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the same as every day all the way to Saturday last week when I actually woke up on time to go to the zoo. Wait. No, I slept in that day too! Obviously I have an addiction problem. Yes. I am addicted to sleep. But I don't think it is a bad thing; not yet at least. Contrary to the belief common in college dorms, sleep is a good thing.
It has been scientifically proven that while we sleep our brains process the information we have learned during the day. We restructure and strengthen memories so that only the "important stuff" sticks. Some scientists also have conducted experiments that show that insight may be obtained by sleeping (Nature 427, 352-355). As an example, the structure of benzene, a beloved compound of many organic chemists and biochemists, was--as the story tells--first discovered as a result of insightful information obtained during a dream.
Scientists also tell us, however, that sleep does not enhance insight in the absence of initial training. Therefore, waking up and "training" is also necessary....
Having said all that, if my addiction to sleep were to interfere with my proper functions (whatever that means), then I would have to get it checked. Maybe it is just a side-effect of winter. Maybe I should look into improving my diet.... Whoever knows how to do that effectively in this day and age, please contact me.
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