As I have pointed out earlier, sleep is an important part of my life. I am addicted to it. It helps me function properly throughout the day. When I don't get enough sleep I experience "sleep withdrawal symptoms;" My degree of tolerance for the world is reduced exponentially--I get annoyed by everything and anything; my head feels heavy and my eyes hurt. The more sleep I lose, the more severe the symptoms are.
I have been reported to say that I can sleep anywhere, which is true. However, quantity of sleep is not as important as quality of sleep. So even if I can sleep with the light on, or with noise, on the bus, on my desk, or even standing up, it doesn't mean they are the optimal conditions for sleep.
My roommate has recently developed this habit of online after-midnight chatting which has slowly but surely destroyed the quality and quantity of sleep I'm getting. I started noticing the development of this downward spiral a couple of days ago, and today I feel the crappiest I have felt in a while. Today I am grumpy.
When did people decide to start doing things backwards? The night is to sleep unless you are a nocturnal creature. Humans are not nocturnal creatures. Our brain is wired to function during the day; that's why it makes sure glands in the body secrete the necessary hormones to cope with the stresses of life during the day, and secrete hormones that make us want to go to sleep during the night.
But let's pretend there is a sudden mutation in the human genome, and there are two rare cases of messed-up nocturnal humans (since we need two people to chat). Do they have to impose their lousy lifestyle on non-nocturnal humans? No! Civility and common sense dictates that they should be considerate towards those traditional sunlight-loving, night-sleeping beings like me. Unfortunately, some people out there didn't get the memo.
We never chat after midnight. :P Or rarely. It usually ends at midnight or before. And I don't think we're the only mutations in the human genome out there.... With the advent of technology and development of such modern devices as the electric light bulb (among other useful inventions), humans are now able to use portions of the day that were not previously usable. Many humans have developed this mutation due to these devices. I dare say that you have also developed this mutation. In ancient times, humans went to bed when (or soon after) the sun set! When was the last time you went to bed with the sun? Hm? :)
I really hope you didn't stop following my blog just because of a little sleep disruption... lol. :)
The whole mutation thing was just a hypothetical example, and I wasn't directing specifically to anyone. Also, technological inventions have not changed the fact that our bodies require sleep, or the convention in society to be considerate and polite to people around them.
I am not asking anyone to try and justify their behavior anyway. I am not condemning the need to socialize or of the taking advantade of technology to "be productive" during the night. However, people don't need to be disconsiderate to do so.
What has become daily habit for almost two weeks is hardly a "little" sleep disruption, and some people out there would not even tolerate thirty minutes of it. A "little" bit of empathy would go a long way....
Finally, (going on a tangent) I have not stopped following your blog, I just didn't like not having a picture, so I follow it anonymously just like every other blog I follow....
lol. Just making sure...
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