Today is Charles Darwin's 200th birthday! And this year marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of his controversial book On the Origin of Species.
Even though all this time has passed, and despite all the scientific evidence, there are some people that still have trouble with evolution. I believe this to be evidence of a world epidemic of chronic closed-mindedness.
I was reading an article published in the The Christian Science Monitor on academic freedom and intelligent design. In it the author claimed that the belief that human beings were created by God in his own image is "a view impossible to reconcile with evolution propelled by natural selection." I think not!
Who ever said that those theories are mutually exclusive? Why do we have to assume a false dichotomy?
I completely agree with biology Professor Elena Kramer from Harvard University when she said--as quoted by the CSM: "I wish everyone could understand the profound degree to which we understand evolutionary biology," and "there is no legitimate scientific evidence that evolution has not occurred." However, I too join her in disappointment with evolution supposters who dismiss faith and religious viewpoints.
It is just as geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky points out: "Nothing in biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution." Do not fall in the pit. Do not allow yourself to be labelled with the flat-earthers, holocaust-deniers, or young-earth-creationists. Just because you don't understand how faith and evolution work together does not mean they cannot work together. Do not believe the myth that evolution and religion are incompatible. It is time we open our minds and put on our critical thinking hats.
Happy Birthday and thanks Mr. Darwin!
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